Best Contenders: "Time & Money"
For Classrooms: Need a tool to make the students get better in computation? Want to track the progress of each and every child? Best Contenders app series has many different concepts and skill levels. In this series this is Time & Money.
Subscribe in our website and buy student IDs for as many children in your classroom.
Get progress report for each child to track the individual progress and also compare scores with other schools or states or countries to know who the Best Contender is.
Students can enter their ID and log on to their account in any mobile device.
For individuals: Want to play Math games with your friends? Do you want prove yourself best in Math? Best Contenders app is right for you. This is "Time & Money" game of the series. Win the game and be the BEST CONTENDER!!!! Download the app and create your own account with any name and a 4 digit pin code. In this app you get play the Beginner level. Buy the subscription in the website to be able to play Intermediate and Advanced levels too. You will be able to play the app in any of your mobile devices just logging in your username and four digit pin code.
This game is about Adding and Subtracting Time and Money. You can play this game in 3 different levels- Basic, Intermediate and Advanced. Based on the level you choose the difficulty changes.
If you choose basic difficulty level, in Add Time choice you get questions like this...
00:37 + 00:18 =?
Answer is 00:55
If you choose intermediate difficulty level, in additions operations you get questions like this...
7:35 + 00:45 =?
Answer is 8:20
If you choose advanced difficulty level, in additions operations you get questions like this...
5:20 + 8:15 =?
Answer is 13:35
- Can practice Adding Time, Subtracting Time
- Can practice Adding Money and Subtracting Money
- Difficulty increases with each question
- Each question has different score
- Has Single player, Multiplayer or Play with Device options
- Report Card to view the all the questions attempted
- Top Contenders list to view the top scores